Omote of the Wakizashi

This reads Oku Satsuyo Shi Mototake (Mototake a retainer of the Satsuma (sic) domain)

Sayagaki by Tanobe Michihiro

薩摩国奥元武 - Satsuma no Kuni Oku Mototake

生茎六字與寛政四年紀有之 - Original nakago with six-character mei and a date
of Kansei 4th year.
兄元平ガ多作ナルニ比シ同工ノ遺例稀ナルハ蓋シ兄元平ノ代作ニ任ジタル者ナラン -
Compared with the fact that his brother Motohira made many swords, this
smith’s works are rare. That may be because he made swords for his brother
Motohira as a Daisaku maker.
本作ハ肉置豊カナリテ地刃ノ出来宜敷同工ノ眞面目ヲ發揮セル優品也 - The blade
is beefy and its Jiba is good. It is an excellent work which shows the
steadiness of the smith.
刃長壹尺八寸七分余有之 - Blade length is a little more than 1-shaku 8-sun

惟時庚寅暦葉月 - August 2010
探山邊道識 +kao - Tanzan